We solve business tasks
see the world, create stories
Let's delve into it
telling a story without words
Using our expertise to boost your sales
Always remaining honest
we solve business tasks
see the world, create stories
let's delve into it
telling a story without words
using our expertise to boost your sales
always remaining honest

believe it or not, but auditors spark significant interest among the audience. this is something we were able to prove through our joint efforts with the PwC Kazakhstan team, where each member is a distinctive personality

our main task became creating content that fully reflects the image not only of the company but also of those who work within it
in an effort to break stereotypes about "boring" auditors, we developed ideas and implemented them in production, integrating entertaining content aimed at increasing audience engagement and subsequent communication with them

the strict guideline didn't hinder us; instead, we skillfully incorporated our graphic design, reflecting our modern vision, into the brand's entrenched traditions

most importantly, we didn't forget about the expertise of our employees. video interviews with them completely reflect their attitude towards work, experience, and undoubtedly, high qualifications
живая аудитория, высокий уровень вовлеченности и доля самоиронии — в этом секрет активного профиля бренда в социальных сетях, где каждая публикация находит отклик